
More than 200 Desiro ES2G Intercity EMUs delivered to Ural Locomotives

Back in 2013, ITSA signed a contract with Ural Locomotives, a joint venture between Siemens and Russian Sinara Group, for the manufacturing of the complete Sidewall Panelling for 30 ES2G Intercity EMUs, after delivering the first train sets as Desiro RUS to Siemens in Germany.

Since then, ITSA has already provided to Ural Locomotives’ plant in Ekaterinburg with more than 200 Intercity EMUs complete sidewall panels, including ES1 (suburban), ES1 Premium (intercity), ES2G (suburban), ES2G (city-urban), ES2GP (intercity), and ES1P (intercity).

ITSA contributes to the project with its high-cadencies and reliable manufacturing technologies.